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COVID-19 stimulus package announced

The Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic has been dominating news headlines recently, especially in the last few days, as the country increasingly moves towards a state of near lock down. If you're a person in business, you've no doubt followed developments with an extra layer of anxiety. What will it mean for your employees? How will you pay your bills, and ensure that you get paid? The Federal Government has anticipated the unprecedented strain this will place on business by announcing new stimulus measures to help business improve cash flow while restrictions remain in place.

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December 2019 Newsletter

Land Tax takes centre stage with the State Government securing passage of its controversial changes through Parliament, and we look (again) at the best way to make a tax effective Christmas gesture for your team.


Plus, read below for our Christmas closure times.

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June 2019 Newsletter

This time around we highlight again the imminent arrival of Single Touch Payroll and urge any business that employs people to get their systems ready or make contact with us to find out more. We also highlight the increasing incidence of phone scams purporting to be from the Tax Office, and new personal liabilities for directors of employers who fail to meet their Superannuation Guarantee obligations.

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